By Roy Cook: AIWA President
Rosehill is the Southern drum for the weekend and when they started the gourd dance songs Don Vigneault led out the American Indian Warriors Association members and visitors from the Golden State Gourd Society into the arena.
AIWA is composed of Military service veterans with Honorable discharge. Most are Tribal members and combat veterans of many conflicts. San Diego County is home to over 280,000 of America's most distinguished military veterans. We were honored to have Golden State Gourd Society member, Saginaw Grant, Sac-Fox, screen and television celebrity join in the Gourd dance. American Indian Warriors Association, AIWA, regular meeting is on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Located at 3628 Illinois St. San Diego in the Chet Hunt Community Center of the Many Nations in Recovery facility. (North-park: one half block N of University Ave. two blocks East of 30th St.) Master of Ceremonies Randy Edmonds introduced the Head staff as AIWA brought in the colors.
I hope you enjoy the images as much as we did being there and representing our organization. Additionally, the American Indian Warriors Color Guard appreciates all requests and invitations to participate in traditional Tribal and Military Veteran activities. Please contact our Events coordinator Cheryl Wilkerson: 619-263-9939.