SFA-75 Picnic
The day was sunny and breezy. Fine weather for PT! Looking over the majority of the chunky membership it seems time and hair are the only thinning factors of any note.
of men kept forming and reforming in and around new visitors, new members
and old friends. The SFA-75 ladies auxiliary had a chance to sit back
and laugh and exchange travel stories. We thank all the SF members and
their ladies for the fine salads and side dishes. Some of the guys actually
ate some green stuff to go with the grill grease and washed it down with
cookies. SFA-75 Secretary Charlie Inot brought flags, banners, have a good time attitude and get it done to the afternoon. His special SF sundaes evaporated instantly. President Dave Desoucy chaired an abbreviated but succinct business meeting. Treasurer Joe Hitt reported on the financial status of the unit and several ongoing projects. Goyo Flores is on line to be the next fearless leader of SFA-75. Potential members were introduced to the unit and many members brought their children for a truly cross-generational gathering. Good times for all to reflect and appreciate why we were in the service.
folks started to drift off about 3pm and others entered into deeper memories
or juicer subjects like an afternoon nap. It appeared that all attending
this day had a good time. We hope those who
could not make it continued good health and we hope all is well and safe
with their families. At the same, we hope those who attended found all
secure and safe as they returned to their homes. We all realize it is
a jungle out there, be careful and watch your six. |