Previous Months: December 1 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 April 6 May5 July 6 Oct 5 Dec 7
Jan 4 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 5 May 3 June 7 July 5 Aug 2 Sept 7 Oct 4 Nov 1 Feb 7

The location of all AIWA meetings is at 3928 Illinois St. San Diego, CA. Many Nations in Recovery facility. Chet A. Hunt Community Center. AIWA is welcome to utilize the facilities in a respectful manner. (It is two blocks east of 30th St. and one-half block North of University Ave. on the west side of the street.)


The members were purified by: __Jerry Starnes_____

Social potluck from 6:30-7:20.
Fat-free donuts, hot coffee, orange chicken, cold-cut sandwiches.
Excellent fare for all to enjoy (List menu items.)

Call to order__7:20_P.M.
_Jerry Starnes gave welcome blessing / prayer.

Officer Reports:
_Ivan Sam: minutes approved/ changes (M/S/P)

President: Roy Cook- Present. He talked about past events. He said we looked good during Grossmont Powwow, looking very sharp and in good uniform order.

Vice President: Ida- Not present.

Secretary: Ivan Sam-Present. Said he took a trip back to Arizona to have grandfather do a few ceremonies and blessings for family. He said he's ready to pick-up and continue the duties of AIWA Secretary. His goals as AIWA Secretary is to try to become more active in gathering past member to keep them up to date with events of AIWA. Ivan Sam said he will try his best as AIWA Secretary.

Treasurer: George Hyde-Present. He said we looked very good during gourd dance at Grossmont Powwow. Most of the gourd dancers consisted of AIWA members.

Sargent at Arms: Gary- Not Present.

Event Coordinator: Joaquin Sandoval- Present. He passed out flyers for the Balboa Park Powwow May 12 & 13, 2007. Joaquin Sandoval said he will try his best in doing his duties. He said he wants to concentrate and become more active with the Veterans Council. He plans on having AIWA to become more active with Veterans Council.

Old business: (M/S)

Jerry Starnes- Said no one was brought out to be honored during gourd dance at Grossmont Powwow, but towards the end, they honored a Marine soldier who just separated from military service.

Upcoming events/Event Coordinator report:
American Indian Culture Days
Men's and Women's Wellness Conference
Santa Ysabel Casino Grande Opening Ceremony
* AIWA was asked to do the "Honor Color Guard".
San Diego State University Powwow
* Keep on the look out for information on powwow.

New business: (M/S)
Ivan Sam- This coming summer of 2007, Ivan Sam is also planning on taking a trip back to Arizona to have a purification ceremony done. The ceremony will last about a week.
Larry Strickland- Said it was an honor to join AIWA during the "Honor Color Guard" at the Grossmont Powwow. He said it was amazing how the Natives were very passionate about their dances. Larry says he's happy to join AIWA as a new member as well, he can't wait to participate with AIWA in other events.

Round Robin discussion:
Roy Cook- Gave new address of IHRC to AIWA members.
Larry Strickland- Said he was honored to join AIWA in color guard at Grossmont Powwow.
Jerry Starnes- Shared past experiences of Vietnam with AIWA members.
George Hyde- Didn't have much to say.
Joaquin Sandoval- Shared information about San Diego Community College Classes.
Ivan Sam- Asked if AIWA could make flyers with attached applications for new members.

Meeting adjourned: __8:22_PM. M/S: ___________________


Robert rules of order procedure with modifications:

A. Call to order
B. Officers reports; President ,Vice President, Treasurer, Sect., Committees
C. Old business
D. New business
E. Round Robin discussion and visitors
F. Adjourn

Upcoming events: