Previous Months: December 1 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 April 6 May5 July 6 Oct 5 Dec 7
Jan 4 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 5 May 3 June 7 July 5 Aug 2 Sept 7 Oct 4 Nov 1 Feb 7 Mar 7 June 6

The location of all AIWA meetings is at 3928 Illinois St. San Diego, CA. Many Nations in Recovery facility. Chet A. Hunt Community Center. AIWA is welcome to utilize the facilities in a respectful manner. (It is two blocks east of 30th St. and one-half block North of University Ave. on the west side of the street.)

The members were purified by: ___Roy Cook___

Social potluck from 6:30-7:20.

Excellent fare for all to enjoy (List menu items.)

Call to order

_Roy Cook_gave welcome blessing/prayer.

Officer Reports:

__Ivan D. Sam_minutes approved/ _changes _(M/S/P)

*President**:* Roy Cook-Present

*Vice Pres**ident:* Ida Huhn-Not Present

*Secretary**:* Ivan D. Sam-Present

*Treasurer**:* George Hyde-Not Present

*Master at Arms: *Gary Burill-Not Present**

Old business: (M/S)

Ida got the check for color guard at Balboa Park.

Henry Mendibles reported on the Hawaii Powwow and said he was thankful for the help of AIWA funding his trip to make it to Hawaii Pow Wow to represent AIWA as well as taking honors for Head Gourd Dancer.

Henry Mendibles received a Medal of Valor by the Lt. Gov. of Hawaii for the “Navajo Code Talkers” and military veterans at VFW dinner. (Duane “Dog” Chapman)

Ronnie Murphy also received the $223 for his daughter’s 6^th grade camp. The fire has put a crimp in the plans but we are hoping for the best.

*_Upcoming events/Event cordinator report_*:

See New Business below.

New business: (M/S)

Barona Event- Jerry Starnes said he will be there.

Santa Ysabel Veterans Day Memorial

Don V. , Henry M. , and Richard D. are all going to Santa Ysabel.
Ronnie Murphy is in charge of the flags.

Palomar College Native American Heritage Month
Nov. 15- California Indian Celebration (bird singers will be performing)
Nov. 19- Intertribal Celebration (AIWA approved funding)

*Visitors: *

* *Arturo Tisnado- Says he’s thankful for being apart of AIWA meeting. He’s half Apache and Yaqui. Says he’s thankful to join veterans group and also talked about the event “Red Earth Appreciation Day” at City College Nov. 8^th , 2007. He asked if AIWA could attend and Ivan Sam dedicated himself to represent AIWA and SACNAS to attend the event.

* *

Round Robin discussion:

Ivan Sam- Said he was out helping Ida and Gary look for salvageable items within their property after their home was burned down from the Harris Fire 2007.

Ronnie Murphy- Forgot what he was going to say, said he’s thankful to be at the meeting. He said he got to have his knee worked on. Said he says personally he thinks the surgery will not help. He said the Creator works in many different ways and that we don’t pay enough attention to see what’s right and wrong, and in the end, we suffer the consequences.

Henry Mendibles- He says he’s thankful for AIWA for funding his trip.

Joaquin Sandoval- Joaquin said plaque for Chet Hunt is $1,500. He said Ida couldn’t make it to meeting, car wouldn’t start. He said Ivan’s wife got him in the Tele-Med program with the V.A. Medical Center, La Jolla. Joaquin said he’s thankful for the program, and it makes life a lot easier for him. He said he’s suppose to have surgery on his nose.

Bob- Said he’s having problems with registering for Native American Preference.

Richard De Crane- He said not much going on but school.

Karen- Karen said her family’s business isn’t doing too well. Construction problems with Sycuan has slowed business down, and holding money from her family’s business and they can’t continue with work.

Roy- didn’t have anything to say.

Meeting adjourned: _9:00_PM. M/S: ___Ivan D. Sam___


Robert rules of order procedure with modifications:

A. Call to order
B. Officers reports; President ,Vice President, Treasurer, Sect., Committees
C. Old business
D. New business
E. Round Robin discussion and visitors
F. Adjourn

Upcoming events: