Previous Months: December 1 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 April 6 May5 July 6 Oct 5 Dec 7
Jan 4 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 5 May 3 June 7 July 5 Aug 2 Sept 7 Oct 4 Nov 1 Feb 7 Mar 7 June 6 Nov 7/07

The location of all AIWA meetings is at 3928 Illinois St. San Diego, CA. Many Nations in Recovery facility. Chet A. Hunt Community Center. AIWA is welcome to utilize the facilities in a respectful manner. (It is two blocks east of 30th St. and one-half block North of University Ave. on the west side of the street.)

The members were purified by: ___Ronnie Murphy and Ivan D. Sam___
Social potluck from 6:30-7:20.

Excellent fare for all to enjoy (List menu items.)

Call to order:

_Ivan Sam gave welcome blessing/prayer.

Officer Reports:

*President - *Ivan Sam

*Vice President - *Henry Mendibles

*Secretary - *Richard DeCrane

*Treasurer - *George Hyde

*Master at Arms - *Gary Burrill

*Event Coordinator - *Ronnie Murphy

Old business: (M/S)

Plaque for C. Hunt  - nothing new to report. Still in work. Ronnie Murphy, Ida.

Native Vet Medal – Roy Cook spook on behalf of Henry Mendibles. Made contact with Marshall Talleagle. Still working on when the medal will be awarded. Will be pushing for Grossmont powwow for possible award day. Other issue have come up like finding Mr Talleagle a place to stay. Will have more to report in Feb meeting.

Upcoming events/Event co-ordinator report:

Grossmont Powwow: See attach Flyer.

New business: (M/S)

Banquet Dinner or lunch: Money has been set a side for this event. Two issues: First need a good time and 2nd need a place to have this event. Jerry Starnes will look into to a place. Will report more next meeting in Feb.


Jess Morreo

Requested help from the organization in letter form. Due to back injury and wife on medical leave have no income for rent and bills. Requested help. Funding was raised by Ida Huhn. Second by Ronnie Murphy. All in favor. George Hyde will move funds to checking and then issue funds.

Arturo Tisnado

Requested help from the organization. Tabled till Feb meeting. Need more info on Event.

Round Robin discussion:

Jerry Starnes - Remembering Don. Visited with Don’s wife Jane. She is doing good.

Ronnie Murphy - He is having a good year so far. Has been doing research on Native American History. Remembering Don. Will be having a knee checkup at the VA and getting a second opinion. Wife doing good but may need to have surge on her shoulder.

Joaquin Sandoval - Still taking care of his grand kids.

Bob Sonoy - Having trouble on the home front. Needs to find a job. Hoping to have a better year.

Larry Smith - He is a new grandfather from son. His business is doing good. Plans to make it to more meeting and events this year 2008.

Carl Limping Bear Johnson - Still trying to sell house in Arizona. Looking to get married in a church.

Gary Burmill and Ida Huhn - Glad to be here. Still working hard. Have a new grand daughter. Still living in trailer. Looking for someone that can move dirt to make a road.

Roy Cook - Thanks to every one who came to Don’s funeral. Family was very thank full for AIWA’s support. Shared some wise words. Some cultures practice not saying the names of the dead for some a mount of time.

Richard DeCrane - Looking forward to the new year. Family doing good.

Larry Strickland - Wants to thank every one who has helped him with his gourd dancing gear.

Gina Strickland - Had a good year with football. Won Championship. Was effected by fire but did not lose home. Very greatfull.

George Hyde - Pass

Ivan Sam - Wants to thank everone for coming to the meeting. Touch on the importance of wake ceremonies. Just got back from the rez. Had a 9 day ceremony for grandfather. Who had many supporter. Family is doing good.

*Meeting adjourned*: _2041_PM. M/S: ___Ivan D. Sam___


Robert rules of order procedure with modifications:

A. Call to order
B. Officers reports; President ,Vice President, Treasurer, Sect., Committees
C. Old business
D. New business
E. Round Robin discussion and visitors
F. Adjourn

Upcoming events: