Previous Months: December 1 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 April 6 May5 July 6 Oct 5 Dec 7
Jan 4 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 5 May 3 June 7 July 5 Aug 2 Sept 7 Oct 4 Nov 1 Feb 7 Mar 7 June 6 Nov 7/07
Jan08 Feb 6 Mar 5

The location of all AIWA meetings is at 3928 Illinois St. San Diego, CA. Many Nations in Recovery facility. Chet A. Hunt Community Center. AIWA is welcome to utilize the facilities in a respectful manner. (It is two blocks east of 30th St. and one-half block North of University Ave. on the west side of the street.)

The members were purified by: __Ivan Sam__
Social potluck from 1800-1900.
· Chicken, fruit and cake.

Call to order:
Ivan Sam___1907 PM.

Officer Reports:
*President- *Ivan Sam- present
*Vice President- *Henry Mendibles- present
*Secretary- *Richard DeCrane- present
*Treasurer- *George Hyde
*Master at Arms- *Gary Burrill- present
*Event Coordinator- *Ronnie Murphy

Old business:
(M/S)President- Ivan Sam
· Still dealing with family loss.
· Working with Joaquin on Tax ID number issue more to report at later time.
· April 11 Santa Ysabel 1st years anniversary.

Vice President- Henry Mendibles
· Tom G - Was not aware of an honorarium to be given to AIWA at Grossmont. So, Tom pulled money from his own pocket to pay AIWA. Voted on money, to donate back Grossmont AIS college fund.
· Women's Wellness/Powwow event went well.

Secretary- Richard DeCrane· Minutes out late, but posted on website, apologize for not bringing hard copies of minutes.· Request motion for banquet: date, time and place. Tabled. Waiting on Ronnie.

Treasurer- George Hyde
· Not present/ No report.

Master at Arms- Gary Burrill
· Needs someone to take flags. Will be going off to school for 3 months. Ivan volunteered to take flags
.· Ivan has two flags poles
.· Found a place to buy flags supplies if we need to
.· Jerry found stands.
· Need Eagle feathers for staff.

Event Coordinator- Ronnie Murphy
· Not present/No report.

Upcoming events:
AIWA is color guard on May 10th and 11 Balbo Park Powwow. Henry will be head gourd dancer.Camp Pendlton Powwow event May 15. More info to come.

New business: (M/S)
February minutes:
- Approved.
- E-mail to Roy to post on website.

Tax ID issue:
- Joaquin- IHRC will be covering AIWA on a temp basis, we still need to renew Non profit status.

Cap on funds:

Open for discussion:
-Henry - Honorarium or donations both terms are usable.
- Karin - we need guide lines. To use money wisely. Helping native Vet's and helping native children.
- Henry - we need a process. We should Table voting till next meeting because we need more info from older members who have better incite on issue. -
Henry - we need bylaw to deal with goal issue. Ivan has new's bylaws. Henry will make copies for those who need them. Table motion and seconded by Ida.

If you need DD214:

- Roy- see this website:
- Miramar cemetery red tape issue resolved.
- American Legion has Indian on cover

- Karin will come up with design. Picture and medals. AIWA Banquet:
- Richard - Motion for a day, time and place. E-mail Ronnie on issue.
Native Vet Medal:
- Henry was not able to talk to Prez but was able to talk to vice and reports that it is still in motion. No further action required for now.

Event coordination issues:
- Imperial Beach powwow council is trying to contact Ronnie. They want AIWA to be their powwow color gourd.
- Ivan will contact Balboa park powwow council.
- Youth Conference in Anaheim
- Language Conference April 15-17 (
- Warner Springs Color Guard.

- Aurto - Thankful for speaking. May 1st Start of Peace and dignity run. He read mission statement of run. 8 month run. South started April 1st 2008. Inform native communities. See Flyers. Looking for supporters.
- Ivan will be helping. July 23-25th along with The Red Warriors. Runner will stop a Pala Rez then run to Chicano Park in San Diego. AIWA asked to show support.

Round Robin discussion:

Ida Huhn- VA appointment. Gary is building a starwars chicken coup.

Gary Burrill- Heading off to school and is looking forward to it. This may lead to a major job down the road.

Henry Mendibles- Drum group sang for Jane Goodall. April 12th Chicano park event. Minute Men will be there. Looking for support. 20th April Earth day Balboa park. 22th April SDSU Earth day event or gathering.

Richard DeCrane - Doing good. Working with Palomar College NASA club, raising money to travel the Gathering Of Nations Powwow.

Karin - will always speak her mine even if she is only a associate member.

Ivan - Head back to AZ with Aurto. Family is doing better.

Larry - Some of us will come and some of us will go. Wise words!Aurto - would like to become an associate member. Will carry blessings with him on his run.Roy - Good to be back. Has been sharing Northern songs with children in his culture class.Joaquin- Daughter got married. Still has his grandchildren. SCAIR Program. He is now able to lookup Vet info with written or sign permission.

*Meeting adjourned*: __9:12 PM. M/S: ___ Ivan Sam__


Robert rules of order procedure with modifications:

A. Call to order
B. Officers reports; President ,Vice President, Treasurer, Sect., Committees
C. Old business
D. New business
E. Round Robin discussion and visitors
F. Adjourn

Upcoming events: