Previous Months: December 1 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 April 6 May5 July 6 Oct 5 Dec 7
2006 Jan 4 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 5 May 3 June 7 July 5 Aug 2 Sept 7 Oct 4 Nov 1
2007 Feb 7 Mar 7 June 6 Nov 7/07 Dec7/07
2008 Jan08
Feb 6 Mar 5 Apr02 May07 June04 July02
Aug06 Sept03 Oct01 Nov05 Dec03

The location of all AIWA meetings is at 3928 Illinois St. San Diego, CA. Many Nations in Recovery facility. Chet A. Hunt Community Center. AIWA is welcome to utilize the facilities in a respectful manner. (It is two blocks east of 30th St. and one-half block North of University Ave. on the west side of the street.)

The members were purified by: __Roy Cook.

Social potluck from 1800-1900.
- Donuts.

Call to order:
___1911 PM.

Officer Reports:

President: Ivan Sam- Not Present

Vice President: Larry Strickland- Present

Secretary: Richard DeCrane- Present
- Wife had a baby and doing good.

Treasurer: Ida Huhn- Not Present

- Ida needs to take AIWA meeting meets with those name of who can sign for checks when the name are transfer to new elected members ie. Ida as new Treasurer, Prez, Vice, and Event Coor.

- Table till next meeting.

- See Treasurer Report.

Master at Arms: Joaquin Sandoval- Not present

Event Coordinator: Ronnie Murphy

New business: (M/S)
Election Results for 2009:
" President - Ivan Sam
" Vice President - Larry Strickland
" Treasurer - Ida Huhn
" Secretary- Richard DeCrane
" Master of Arms - Joaquin Sandoval
New in 2009
" Things to promote AIWA for recruiting.
- Participate in more local events.
- Memorials
- Parades
- Attend Vet. work shops.
- Reconstruct story boards for display at events.
- Need a new banner.
Larry Smith
" Was approached by Channel 10 news Local reporter. Rett Lorance.
- Looking for native vet story.
- Possible good promotion for AIWA.
- Looking for approval from AIWA
Larry Smith- Requesting finical Aid as soon as possible.
- Is willing to pay-back AIWA by April.
- Close Discussion was held.
- Motion was passed in favor.
- Check was issued. With terms of being paid back by April.

Old business: (M/S)

AIWA Patch:
- Roy and Ivan have submitted designs.
- Waiting for more designs.
- Dead line next meeting.
- Table till next meeting.
- Roy donated patches until AIWA designs new ones.

Tax ID issue Joaquin:
- Work in progress.
- Need to travel to LA.
- Nothing new to report.
Cap on funds:
- A work in progress - Need guidelines and application.
- Tabled until we get more info from old members - What is the original goals. See Bylaws Roy has a copy.
- Joaquin will write some guidelines.
- Sister and son were contact.
- Revised plaque to include pictures received from family also add "until we meet again" requested by family.
- DD-214 was sent to Mount Solidad by family and confirmed in late Nov.
- Need check made out to Mt. Soledad Memorial Association.
- Karin Giron will submit check and plaque.
- Karin would also like to remain the main point of contact.
- Motion pass with approved 10. Check will be sent to Karin.

Upcoming events:
" Christmas Dinner 13 Dec 2008
" Don's Memorial 20 Dec 2008, 10 am

Round Robin discussion:
- Next month he will be 72.
- Family doing good.

- Had to leave early.

- Wife had shoulder surge.
- Dealing with Identity thief.
- Had an interview with channel 9.

Larry S:
- Glad to be here. Will be coming to more events.
- Family doing good.
- Celebrated 60th birthday.

Carl l:
- Family doing good.

- Family doing good.

Roy C:
- Happy to be here.
- Soaring Eagle Dance class start the 14th Jan and ever Wednesday after that.

Larry Strickland:
- Happy with first meeting

*Meeting adjourned*: __0858 PM. M/S: ___ Larry Strickland__

Robert rules of order procedure with modifications:

A. Call to order
B. Officers reports; President ,Vice President, Treasurer, Sect., Committees
C. Old business
D. New business
E. Round Robin discussion and visitors
F. Adjourn